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What’s Your Food Attachment Style? Discover Your Unique Relationship with Eating

Just as our interactions with people can vary, so too can our relationships with food. Identifying your “food attachment style” can be a fun and enlightening way to understand your eating habits and
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Beyond Numbers: Embracing Sustainable Weight Loss

 Beyond Numbers: Embracing Sustainable Weight Loss  In a world obsessed with quick fixes and rapid results, it’s time to shift the spotlight from numbers on a scale to a more profound goal –
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Its About The Portion Size

Think about this: bears eat fish and vegetation and look how big they get! It’s definitely about what you eat, buts it’s also about how much. If you eat enough of anything, you
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Wall Clock

Ultimate Guide to Time-Restricted Eating and Benefits

So many fad diets focus solely on what we eat and not the why, when, or how.  However, a new study from the journal Cell Metabolism found that the later people ate during
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Skip the Fad Diets. This is the Hottest New Health Craze

The cat is out of the bag. The genie is out of the bottle. I noticed it a few years ago while traveling on the West Coast and then in Colorado. I see
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Complex Carbohydrates

The Ultimate Complex Carbs List for Healthy Eating

Thanks to fad diets like Keto and Atkins, carbs have gotten a bad rap over the years.  However, carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient of any diet, as the average nutritionist recommends at least
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Where Does Motivation Come From? How To Find That Spark!

Why does a person try to lose weight 50 times and finally find success on the 51st time? Why does a woman attempt to quit smoking ten times in her lifetime, and on
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How Do I Calculate My BMR? Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate

Losing weight is challenging for many people because they can be misinformed about how weight loss truly works.  In its simplest form, losing weight comes down to a mathematical equation of subtracting calories
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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

This is one of my favorite quotes and rings true with many of the difficult things we have to do in life. It applies to long-term goals in school, work, and at home.
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